texture correlation

英 [ˈtekstʃə(r) ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˈtekstʃər ˌkɔːrəˈleɪʃn]




  1. For large occlusion region and texture flaw region, this paper analyzes the matching rate curve in entire disparity space, presents the concept of believability and neighborhood correlation factor. A region with low believability trends to take the biggest parallax value of neighborhood correlation factors.
  2. A new characteristic based on the grads texture of image is defined and a new correlation matching method is put forward. Meanwhile, the similarity measurement of the new method is the difference of aiming template and real-time image.
  3. A category of the fingerprints, which has the different orientation angle structure in different local area of a fingerprint and has a texture pattern correlation among the neighboring local areas of a fingerprint, can be viewed as a Markov stochastic field.
  4. Based on the texture correlation of the neighboring image-blocks, part of intra-frame prediction modes with high probability are selected for current image-block, which implement the primary scalability of computational complexity.
  5. Real-time texture synthesis is well researched in chapter 4: ( 1) we present a new method of image mosaic based on maximum and intensity correlation, and we use this improved image mosaic method to accelerate Image Quilting algorithm.
  6. The method improves the estimate of the index of fractional Brownian motion and describes natural texture images with the auto correlation function of the intensity difference between textures.
  7. This paper is based on the gray-level co-occurrence matrix method, and particularly study some texture features used for the classification of SAR images, including difference variance 、 difference average 、 difference entropy 、 contrast 、 energy 、 variance 、 sum variance 、 inverse difference moment and correlation etc.
  8. With color histogram as its basis, and combinatory with the color, shape and texture characteristics of image, this paper puts forward a kind of search algorithm based on the correlation and polymerization histogram.
  9. For describing the texture features of satellite infrared image, statistical measures included energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, gray mean and variance are computed on the base of gray co-occurrence matrix and one-dimensional histogram.
  10. Soluble solids content of rambutan was described by the image texture, and its maximum correlation coefficient was 87.2% based on the support vector regression and histogram matrix characteristics.
  11. The issues of generating the vector data into texture in real-time, vector texture pyramid model, the correlation of vector texture and the DEM block and the judge of the texture block are studied in the paper.
  12. It describes the image texture with gray level co-occurrence matrix ( GLCM) and segments and matches the less-textured area by the contrast, entropy and correlation features obtained from the GLCM.
  13. The new energy function includes structure energy 、 texture energy and correlation energy.
  14. The construction of the valid annotation model or method, plays a great role to improve the performance and efficiency of AIA. ( 1) Firstly, this thesis proposes a new technology which combines image color and texture based on Canonical correlation analysis ( CCA).
  15. Feature extraction program based on texture is chosen after comprehensive comparision. Six texture characteristic parameters including Angular Second Moment, Contrast, Correlation, Inverse Difference Moment, Entropy, and Variance are extracted according to the medical experience.
  16. The proposed algorithm has CFAR property with respect to the texture statistical characterization. A sensitivity analysis shows that the probability of false alarm is only slightly affected by variations in the clutter correlation properties.
  17. With the help of the SPSS statistical software, the influence of material, yarn texture and fabric structure on the friction characteristics was analyzed by the methods of single correlation and stepwise linear regression.
  18. There were 7 characteristic parameters of Hu moments in shape feature. And 4 characteristic values of texture feature were picked up such as second moment, moment of inertia, inverse difference moment and grayscale correlation. 4.